Friday 6 March 2015


Queen Elizabeth I reigned for 44 years and 127 days. The time she ruled in was named the Elizabethan Age after her. In her reign she faced three main wars. They were: The Desmond Rebellion, the English War against Spain and the Tyrone Rebellion. Border Reivers

The English war against Spain lasted from 1585 – 1603 (18 years). The Spanish believed that Elizabeth, because she was Protestant, was a heretic and that she should be disposed of. They wanted England under their control, so that they could force them back into Catholicism. Fortunately for Elizabeth, the Spanish Armada was defeated.Irish

There were more than one Desmond Rebellion and they were around the 1560’s, 1570’s and 1580’s. They were led by the Earl of Desmond who was the head of the Fitzgerald Dynasty.Elizabethans He led his Geraldine followers into a rebellion on the threat of extended English rule over the Irish Provence, Munster.

The Tyrone Rebellion, also known as the Nine Year War, lasted from 1594 – 1603. It was led by Hugh O’Neill. The Irish Catholics thought of Elizabeth and all Protestants as heretics and formed a rebellion also because of the threat for extended English rule, but over the ancient castle of Ulster.

As for weapons, the medieval feudal system had ended and muskets had been just been invented. Also swords ranged from the broadsword measuring 30 inches to the greatsword measuring 72 inches. As technology improved firearms were introduced and used for military warfare.
     Elizabethan broadsword
Elizabethan musket


Surprisingly, armour was mainly used for decoration in ceremonies and parades and not usually for protection in warfare. Armour consisted of a linen undershirt and underpants, woollen stockings, Sabatons, the Aketon, armour for the arms, chainmail, besegues, rerebrace, vambrace, greaves, poleynes, cuisses, chest armour, back plates, face protection, hand armour, spurs and surcoats.
Queen Elizabeth I died on the 24th March 1603. Meanwhile, the countries that were fighting England agreed peace to the new Sovereign of England, who was James VI of Scotland. He became James I of England. And that was the end of the Elizabethan Age.

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